
Inaugural bLogg

In the real world, I probably have five or less close friends I see on a regular basis. I don't think I'm a snob or antisocial, I just like my privacy. And in the 21st century, Americans are so self-involved nowadays that we rarely have time for our friends, not to shoot pool, shoot guns, or shoot the shit. Not even to have a few beers or anything. In the next 100 years, maybe we all really will become like the people who escaped Earth in Wall-E: fat, socially retarded, and incapable of dealing with something that isn't instantly gratifying. Speaking of movies and fat social retards...

I enjoy movies like everyone else. Sometimes a little more than everyone else. I analyze them, pick them apart, try to find the underlying messages or metaphors and I don't like a movie if it doesn't have a point. Also, being a product of the Second Depression, I can't afford to go first-run movies in the theater and since I'm also a product of the digital age, I get my new(er) movies through the mail with my Netflix account. I'd rather watch something I've been anxious to see without having to forego taking a piss because the theater won't pause the movie for me. And if anyone has seen a new release I don't wanna hear about, possibly something with a twist (I went a whole year without hearing the ending to The Sixth Sense), I simply sternly remind them to shut the fuck up, not everyone's seen The Dark Knight yet, OK, Nick? 

That being said, if I wanna get someone's opinion on a movie, I have a couple choices - 1) I could look through an Entertainment Weekly and read a review written by a complete movie snob who uses more incomprehensible adjectives than Shakespeare dubbed into Navajo, someone who only likes foreign films, preferably from a Hungarian political refugee living in Chile, and can cite all the reasons why Transformers was an abomination to "cinema" while wearing a beret... 2) I can ask my friends who are regular dudes but I don't always see eye-to-eye with. Chris, I'll never think The Fast And The Furious is a good movie. Ever. Not to mention, don't you remember? I have almost no friends. Friends of Wesley are an endangered species. 

Is it so hard to believe that just because I got a C- in Film Appreciation class at Brainerd Lakes Community College that I can't have and convey an opinion about a movie? I guess we'll see...



  1. Do you have too much time on your hands or are you just a really fast thinker and a very fast typist. I'm impressed Love wbmommabloggs

  2. I love it man, excellent work, and i totally agree that Blazing saddles is an all timer. I saved it to my favs. Bill

  3. Your awesome Wes...I look forward to more reviews in the future....Although my favorite movie is still "The Rock" when he opens that door and say "gentleman, welcome to the rock" it's truly awesome...And Im a girl...

    Big Sister
